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3D Photography

Vintage Techniques + Modern Application


Welcome to my world!

On this site I hope to introduce newcomers to traditional 3D methods, inspire novice stereographers and engage with seasoned pros in this field.

These books are created from over a decade of study and application of  a 19th century technology that swept the continents and found its place with every socioeconomic class of people.  

From the 1950’s to the 1980’s every American kid spent a good deal of time absorbed in their Viewmaster.  They examined each and every tiny tableau, trying hard to see what was just out of reach. 



Did you know that at the time of the Viewmaster’s release, the technology was already 100 years old?  Before it was a toy, it was a highly prized educational device found in the parlors and studies of many affluent households.  Although it was invented in 1849, the stereoviewer would not rise to popularity until the 1890’s thanks to new developments in the photographic printing process.  It exploded onto the Victorian scene, finding its way into most homes as the new vehicle used to learn of distant lands and cultures.

Imagine losing yourself in a three dimensional world of downtown USA circa 1880 and then being able to compare it to the same vantage point today.  It’s a window into history like no other!  A handful of late 1800’s stereo photographers captured life in the Finger Lakes Region as they saw it and it’s my goal to combine the best of these with modern stereographic shots for a collection that is uniquely the Finger Lakes Experience.

May 2nd ~ 2:00pm EST.

FREE   3D Anaglyph  slideshow Presentation

My custom 3D camera rig has some pretty unique features that serve well in challenging 3D situations. We will look at images that demonstrate why I love this rig.

Click this link 15 minutes before show time to get in.

Has Stereoscope Journey done something cool that brought a smile to your mug?  I wasn't expecting payment but sometimes the public just wants a special way to say thanks...I get it.  Go ahead and support my hamburger habit.

Free! click here

Free 3D anaglyph images from my Residency at Yellowstone.  Attendees recieved a free pair of glasses but you can get yours with an S.A.S.E.

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